- 💪 Ostarine (MK 2866) is a potent SARM known for its ability to significantly increase muscle mass and is popular among athletes for bulking and cutting.
- 🏥 Originally developed by GTx to treat muscle wasting disorders, its safety profile and effectiveness are backed by scientific studies.
- 🚴♂️ Athletes prefer Ostarine due to its versatility in bulking, cutting, and recomping phases, with minimal side effects compared to anabolic steroids.
- 👩🦰 Suitable for both men and women, Ostarine offers a safer alternative with female users advised to start with lower doses.
- 📈 Users can expect steady gains, including improvements in muscle mass, strength, and potentially enhanced fat loss during an 8-week cycle.
- ⚡️ Strength gains from Ostarine are notable, with users reporting significant increases in their lifting performances.
- 📊 Side effects are rare and mild, making Ostarine a preferable option for those concerned with the negative impacts of performance-enhancing drugs.
- 🏋️♀️ The recommended dosage of Ostarine ranges between 10mg to 25mg per day, allowing for flexibility based on individual goals and tolerance.
A brief introduction to Ostarine / MK 2866
What is Ostarine?
Ostarine, or MK 2866, is a versatile SARM with a strong anabolic effect. It was created by GTx to treat muscle wasting disorders such as cachexia. Today, Ostarine is commonly used by athletes for both bulking and cutting.
This guide will teach you about the benefits, side effects, and correct dosages. I will provide some cycle examples, before and after pictures, and give some advice when it comes to cycling Ostarine. By the end of this article, you will have everything you need to know in order to plan out a successful cycle.
If you have questions after reading this guide, feel free to write in the comments section below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!
Why do athletes use Ostarine?
A lot of people (including myself), found themselves using sarms because they were turned off by the idea of dealing with the consequences of anabolic steroid use. Some of those can include gynecomastia (gyno), hair loss, and in extreme cases, enlargement of the heart.
Luckily, ostarine is extremely mild and well tolerated by those who use it. It is very uncommon to experience side effects while on cycle. Out of all of the SARMs you can use, Ostarine has the least likelihood of causing any unwanted side effects.
Scientifically, multiple studies demonstrate its high safety profile and efficacy, making it the perfect choice for those who are concerned with potential side effects from sarms.
Ostarine is one of the most versatile SARMs in existence
MK 2866 can be used to bulk, cut, and even recomp (lose fat while gaining muscle). It’s a staple in many sarms cycles for this very reason.
You can also stack it with other compounds to improve your overall results.
In my own experience, I’ve found that Ostarine works best on a cutting cycle, especially stacked with cardarine or andarine.
It is suitable for both men and women
Ostarine is safe for women since it does not carry heavy androgenic properties. To be safe, women should use a lower dosage (10mg a day) and work their way up to a maximum dose of 20mg per day.
I have many female friends who compete in local bodybuilding shows. On top of that, I get emails from female readers pretty frequently. More and more women are ditching steroids like Anavar in favor for SARMs. There is no need to risk the androgenic side effects of steroids (clitoris enlargement, deepening voice) when SARMs are so readily available.
If you’re a female and are interested in using SARMs, I’d recommend giving Ostarine a try first before exploring other options.
Constant, steady gains
The physique changes you can achieve from running an eight week cycle of MK 2866 are nothing short of mind blowing. I’ve seen countless transformations that rival the kind of results you see on those obnoxious weight loss informercials (I’m looking at you, Hydroxycut).
Expect dry, vascular gains while on cycle. Even with no change in diet, ostarine can radically improve your overall athletic condition. That being said, you should be eating as clean as possible in order to maximize your results. You know the drill, keep the protein high and stay away from processed carbs.
This study is a great example of the anabolic effect ostarine has on the body:
Ostarine treatment resulted in a dose dependent increase in total LBM, with an increase of 1.4 kg compared to placebo (p<0.001) at the 3 mg dose. Increased LBM translated to an improvement in the stair climb test in both speed (+15.5% ± 12.9 faster time, p=0.006) and power (+25.5% ± 20.3 watts, p=0.005). There were no serious adverse events reported.
DOI: 10.1200/jco.2007.25.18_suppl.9119 Journal of Clinical Oncology 25, no. 18_suppl (June 20, 2007) 9119-9119.
What results can one expect from taking Ostarine?
As I mentioned above, Ostarine causes some incredible changes in your body when taken. I am going to mainly focus on the physical results since that’s what most of my readers care about.
If you’re interested in some of the other health benefits of sarms, you can refer to this study.
1. Muscle Growth
It’s not a secret that SARMs can help you build large amounts of muscle. Ostarine is no different. During an 8 week cycle of Ostarine, you can expect to gain around 7-10lbs of lean body mass.
This study shows that in addition to gaining a considerable amount of muscle mass, test subjects saw a nearly 30% reduction in insulin resistance. If you follow any of the research regarding intermittent fasting (sometimes called Lean Gains), you know that insulin sensitivity is a crucial part of how effectively your body can utilize carbs. According to the study:
…subjects treated with 3 mg/d of Ostarine had on average an 11% decline in fasting blood glucose, a 17% reduction in insulin levels, and a 27% reduction in insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment) as compared to baseline…
Narayanan R, Mohler ML, Bohl CE, Miller DD, Dalton JT. Selective androgen receptor modulators in preclinical and clinical development. Nucl Recept Signal. 2008;6:e010. doi:10.1621/nrs.06010
Bottom line? Ostarine stimulates muscle growth by targeting anabolic pathways and by reprogramming your body to more efficiently utilize carbs.
2. Fat Loss
Although not a direct aide to thermogenesis, Ostarine can help promote fat oxidation in humans:
Secondary endpoints included safety of GTx-024, effects on fat mass, bone mineral density, blood glucose, and insulin. This study is the first to demonstrate the ability of a nonsteroidal, orally bioavailable SARM to increase lean muscle mass and improve physical function.
Dalton JT, Barnette KG, Bohl CE, et al. The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2011;2(3):153-161. doi:10.1007/s13539-011-0034-6
Users who are in a caloric deficit will experience much better muscle retention compared to natural lifters. Don’t be afraid to push the envelope when it comes to cutting calories. If you’re on cycle, you can easily maintain your current muscle mass in a 1000 calorie deficit.
In addition, it has been proven that increasing muscle mass will increase TDEE (how many calories you need a day). When you gain muscle, your body will naturally burn more fat as energy in order to keep that muscle.
3. Strength Gains
Ostarine especially shines when combined with strength training, and users consistently report strength gains similar to those found in anabolic steroids.
In fact, it is not uncommon to add 30lbs or more to your one rep max for bench press or squats. Strength gains are one of the first things people tend to notice when they’re taking ostarine.
Having a stronger body will inevitably improve your athletic performance regardless of what sport you play (if any). I’ve talked to football players, sprinters, rowers, even basketball players. All of them reported positive increases in their performance during and after their cycles.
Before and after pictures of people who ran Ostarine cycles
Before and After Pictures
Here are some pictures showing what can be achieved from cycling ostarine. As you can see from the pictures, the results are very similar to what you could expect from using anabolic steroids. A tell tale sign that someone is on sarms is the pronounced (also referred to as “capped”) shoulders.
Results like the ones above are not uncommon when using sarms. Of course, your mileage may vary depending on how well you keep your diet and routine in check.
You’ll definitely want to consider lowering your carbohydrate intake if you want to shred up like the examples above. Also, make sure to keep your protein intake high and you’ll have no issues achieving your goals.
Does Ostarine have side effects?
Side Effects
One of the main concerns people tend to have when adding any sort of performance enhancing drug is what type of side effects to expect.
Sarms, for the most part, produce very little side effects when used in responsible doses. Ostarine has the lowest risk of side effects out of any SARM I’ve studied, so it’s a great option if that’s one of your concerns.
With that being said, there will always be some rare occasions of people experiencing side effects, and we wouldn’t be doing our jobs if we didn’t talk about them. I recently wrote a blog post detailing potential side effects from using sarms, so I’d suggest giving that a read if you have time.
You can also read my post on the most common Ostarine side effects.
Depression / Anxiety
I’ve only seen this happen in one case, and it may not be due to using SARMs. This user reported feeling depressed around a week after starting ostarine.
In my opinion, this could be caused by a slight dip in testosterone levels, or it could just be a placebo. Worth noting, nonetheless.
Hair Loss
Hair loss from sarms ONLY occurs in people who already have male pattern baldness. If your hairline is fine, this does not apply to you.
This user on the AnabolicMinds forum reported hair shedding on ostarine, but also mentioned in a later post that it reversed after stopping use.
I find is suspicious that it caused hair loss, since it is not androgenic in nature. It is very possible that this user received a fake product (that contained prohormones) and that is what caused the shedding.
You can avoid buying fake sarms by shopping with one of these sources.
Some people with naturally low testosterone might experience some lethargy while on cycle. This is because sarms slightly suppress your body’s natural production of testosterone.
The good news is that your body will naturally fix the imbalance within a month after you stop taking it. Studies show it takes around 5 weeks to completely recover.
Note: The above study was completed using LGD 4033
If you have been diagnosed with low T, you might want to consider getting on TRT prior to starting a cycle. Nowadays there are a ton of great online clinics! I can recommend some if you’re curious, just send me an email or leave a comment below.
How much Ostarine needs to be taken in order to achieve results?
The recommended dosage for Ostarine is between 10mg and 25mg per day. Follow these guidelines when deciding how much to use in your next cycle:
- Start low and work your way up (known in the field as titrating)
- Increase your dosage every few days, not all at once
- Cutting cycles generally require a smaller dose than bulking
With those key points in mind, let’s jump into a few sample dosage guides.
Dosage For Bulking
Bulking on ostarine will require a slightly higher dosage than cutting, for the reasons outlined above. It takes a higher dose to create muscle than it does to retain it.
For those reasons, I recommend 25mg a day for anyone weighing over 185lbs. For those weighing less, you should give 20mg a day a try and see how you react.
Like I mentioned above, you should with a lower dose and work up. If you plan on doing a 25mg a day dose, I recommend working up like this:
- 10mg for week 1
- 20mg for week 2
- 25mg for week 3 and beyond
If you respond well, you can skip the ramp up period for your second cycle. To be honest, most people dive right into their max dosage anyways. Either way is fine, but I’m a big proponent of titration as it gives you ample time to make changes in your cycle when needed.
For bulking cycles, I wouldn’t advise a cycle lasting longer than 12 weeks.
Dosage For Cutting
Using MK 2866 for a cutting cycle will require a smaller dosage than you would need for bulking. Retaining muscle mass while in a deficit doesn’t require nearly as high of a dose as creating new muscle mass does. You’re also less likely to experience side effects with smaller doses.
I recommend no more than 20mg a day while on a cutting cycle
Start at 10mg a day for your first week, and increase to 20mg for week two and beyond.
Cutting cycles should not last any longer than 12 weeks in order to prevent suppression.
Half Life
The half life of ostarine is 24 hours. This means that you can dose once per day with no issues in peak blood plasma levels.
I advise splitting doses between morning and night anyways in order to keep levels as steady as possible. It’s how I take all my sarms and in my experience is the most effective way to use them.
Some people also enjoy dosing pre-workout, however studies haven’t shown any noticeable difference in efffectiveness when taken before a workout.
Ostarine Liquid vs Capsules
I prefer liquid solutions for the following reasons:
- Creating accurately dosed capsules requires expensive equipment that most labs don’t have.
- Capsules force you to take full days dose at once, so you can not split between AM and PM like you can with liquids.
- Liquids store well and can be taken sublingual to increase effects.
Where can I buy legit Ostarine online?
Ostarine for Sale
If you want to buy ostarine online, there are a few things you should know before you place an order.
First of all, there are a ton of fakes out there. We have reviewed over 70 different sarm suppliers, and found that over 75% of them provided either fake or under dosed products.
One of the most common things I see are suppliers who ship out solutions containing prohormones such as superdrol. SARMs are expensive to manufacture, and shady vendors take advantage of consumers who assume that the products they are purchasing are legitimate.
These types of prohormones, while effective for building muscle, can be dangerous. In addition, they can cause side effects like gyno, hair loss, and will shut down your natural testosterone production. Please, do not gamble with your health by buying from a shady vendor.
The smartest way to guarantee that you’re getting a legitimate product is to shop with one of the companies on our verified source list.
Can I use Ostarine during PCT to keep my gains?
Use during PCT
One of the more interesting ways to use this compound is to take it during your post cycle therapy. Since ostarine is so mild, it can in theory be used to retain muscle mass while coming off of other anabolics such as testosterone.
If you plan on doing this, you must know two things:
- The benefits of using sarms during PCT are hypothetical at best.
- Only use low doses, no more than 10mg per day.
Depending on who you listen to, you will find mixed reviews on using it for this purpose. I would not advise using it during PCT unless you are coming off of a heavy cycle (tren, deca, etc).
Commonly asked questions about Ostarine, final thoughts.
How do I take ostarine liquid?
You can take the liquid by simply measuring out the correct dose with an oral syringe, and squirting it into your mouth. Rinse down with water or juice. You may also take it under the tongue and let it sit there for 1 minute before swallowing. Ostarine liquid is NOT for injection. It is an oral solution.
When does ostarine kick in?
It should start working within one week. You will continue to feel it get stronger and stronger over the course of a month or so. By 30 days into your cycle, you will be in full beast mode.
How suppressive is ostarine?
It is actually one of the least suppressive sarms in existence. Blood work consistently shows that any reduced levels of testosterone are reversed within a month or two. This is one of the reasons it’s so popular.
How long does ostarine stay in your system?
I would recommend staying away from sarms if you are drug tested. However, if you plan on taking it anyways, allow a solid month to let it clear your system completely.
Do I need to do PCT after?
Usually not, depending on cycle length. If you plan on going the full 12 weeks, it might be a good idea to do 4 weeks of tamoxifen (Nolvadex) at 20mg for four weeks. You will not need anything stronger than that (stay away from Clomid).
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, I’d recommend ostarine over anyone who is looking at starting their first sarms cycle. It has a low side effect profile, is well tolerated by most users, and can be utilized for bulking, cutting, and recomposition. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below and I will make sure I answer them for you.
- Dutt, V., Gupta, S., Dabur, R., Injeti, E., & Mittal, A. (2015). Skeletal muscle atrophy: potential therapeutic agents and their mechanisms of action. Pharmacological Research, 99, 86-100.
- Girgis, C., Mokbel, N., & DiGirolamo, D. (2014). Therapies for musculoskeletal disease: can we treat two birds with one stone?. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 12(2), 142-153.
- Hoffmann, D., Komrakova, M., Pflug, S., Oertzen, M., Saul, D., Weiser, L., … & Sehmisch, S. (2018). Evaluation of ostarine as a selective androgen receptor modulator in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, 37(2), 243-255.
- Komrakova, M., Nagel, J., Hoffmann, D., Lehmann, W., Schilling, A., & Sehmisch, S. (2020). Effect of selective androgen receptor modulator enobosarm on bone healing in a rat model for aged male osteoporosis. Calcified Tissue International, 107(6), 593-602.
- Kowalczyk, K., Torres-Elguera, J., Jarek, A., Konopka, A., Kwiatkowska, D., & Bulska, E. (2021). In vitro metabolic studies of novel selective androgen receptor modulators and their use for doping control analysis. Drug Testing and Analysis, 14(1), 122-136.
- Mohler, M., Bohl, C., Jones, A., Coss, C., Narayanan, R., He, Y., … & Miller, D. (2009). Nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulators (sarms): dissociating the anabolic and androgenic activities of the androgen receptor for therapeutic benefit. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 52(12), 3597-3617.
Hi, I am 63 years of age, so not at my sexual peak. If I take ostarine and testosterone, would this be safe? and what about taking viagra?
should i hop on pct, if i only do 12,5 mg osterine for 8 weeks? maybe with mk667 for 12 weeks
Hey Chris, love the article! I’ve had a bottle of Ostarine from chemyo since summer. I was excited when I got it and cracked the seal but never ended up using it as I heard it could limit natural gains for people just starting to lift. I’m 1 month post surgery and have lost a considerable amount of muscle due to atrophy. I’m thinking of using the bottle to bulk up again but am curious about dosage and if the product has expired/ gone bad since it’s kept in plastic. It was only opened and exposed to air once, stored at room temp and is from a reputable source. If you think it’s ok to use, What dosage would you start at for 150lbs and how long should the cycle last without pct? I really appreciate the content, it has made me confident in using the product to bounce back as before I was skeptical, any recommendations?
I am 71? I had a run in with prostrate cancer 10 years ago . After a radical prostatectomy and being PSA undetectable I got got back to supplementing with 11/2 cc a week got back in shape . I got out the gym for a bit so I got of the testosterone. I am back to working out and have gone mostly carnivore in my diet. No sugars or processed grains or seed .
My PSA is detectable again although very low. The testosterone repression could be of vale in helping me starve off the cancer along with reducing glucose. Available for cancer .
I went from rock hard 240lbs to 220 lb weakling in the last five years.
I purchased several viles . Can you suggest a
Routine. I would rather use this compound than harmone blocked. Any suggestions
Great website! Very informative!
I’m currently looking to start my first cycle but I’m torn between ostarine or LGD-4033. I already have the mass but looking to tone up & gain a little size but also looking for strength and vascularity.
My first choice was YK-11 but stumbled across these two. Any suggestions?
Honestly I love YK11. If you have experience are training hard then YK11 will result in superior gains.
As a first time user I’m torn between ostarine and MK-2866. I’m looking to tone up a little bit but add mass and go up in strength. Which one would you recommend.
Also does either one require you to post cycle? Thanks for you help.
You probably mean ostarine or MK-677. I love them both! They can be stacked. Give Ostarine a shot at 20-25mg a day and see how that treats you.
Definitely gonna give this stuff a try after reading this. Thanks a lot. And you mentioned some good online doctors for TRT. Could you help me out? I’m 27 and my test is at 541. Sounds pretty low to me, and those labs didn’t include my free test. What are your thoughts?
You mention clomid microdosing, is there a write up on that?
Also where do you get clomid from? Is that something that can be only prescribed by a doctor?
Honestly mate I would hold off on TRT at your age. Give it like another 5 – 7 years. Most reputable clinics won’t touch below 500, and even then that’s a pretty normal number. Things you can do to get up to 700+ easy:
– 5,000iu Vitamin D / day
– Boron (lowers SHBG, will raise free test)
– Magnesium (take at night, helps with recovery too)
– Compound lifts (squats in particular can actually raise your natty level)
If you wanna go hardcore, you COULD opt for a micro dose of clomid daily. I took clomid for 2 years straight and always came back around 1000. Clomid monotherapy is not for everyone though. 12.5mg a day should be all you need. Just make sure you keep an eye on SHBG. Total test levels are worthless if free test is still low.
You mention clomid microdosing, is there a write up on that?
Also where do you get clomid from? Is that something that can be only prescribed by a doctor?
My total testosterone is 299. (Technically normal level but lower than average for sure). I know levels can vary quite a bit from test to test- so I’ve heard. Is this single reading an ok level if I’m starting ostarine? Would a TRT be recommended (if so which?)?
Personal preference on this one. You will see excellent results with SARMs if you have been living in the ~300 T range for a while. I’d highly suggest taking magnesium, vitamin D, and doing plenty of compound lifts (all of which stimulate natural T production).
TRT would change your life if you want to commit to it. Going from ~300 to ~750-1000 is is a night and day difference.
Hey man, I’ve been working out for a long time and have never been able to put on weight. Do you think one cycle of 10mg ostarine for 5 weeks would be beneficial? Since I’m only 140lbs I don’t want to do anything that will hurt my body
Yes! Always best to start low and go from there. Good for you for being responsible!
Why did you say (stay away from Clomid).
Hey Fabrice. There’s nothing “wrong” with clomid, per se. The bodybuilding community tends to recommend way more than a male needs, though. 12.5mg a day is plenty. 25mg tops.
I know someone who is running 25mg clomid with 25mg ostarine together and his bloodwork looks good 3 months in.
Hi Chris, do you have a good online vendor for TRT? Thank you!
Defy Medical gets recommended a lot on the forums. They seem to do a good job working with the bodybuilding community. I just self administer 😉
Hey Chris I was wondering how long should I wait between cycles while using this if I were to do 8 week cycles and should I take anything to help manage my hormones? Also what should my caloric intake be if I want to lean out I’m 200lbs and are there any foods I should stay away from while using sarms?
Thanks for all the great information. I have a Osterine/cardarine stack on hand. Going to run it 12 weeks.
Week 1-10mg each
Week 2 and beyond 20mg each
How well can I keep the majority of my gains from this stack profile with these compounds? What changes or additions would you make to maximize gains retention post cycle?
43/M 6’0 214 24% BF. (BF is from renfro smart scale, I have my doubts it’s accurate) Looking to drop as much BF as realistically possibly and add 3-4 lbs of muscle. I’m discipline with my diet and workout. Thanks in advance.
No problem!
Looks like a great run. Ostarine is such an underrated compound but IMO it really shines when used appropriately like this. I like the dosage and the cycle length. Keep your protein high and stick to a routine and you will get some great results.
As far as keeping the gains, you should be good to go assuming you don’t drastically change your diet after you come back. Ostarine is a slow and steady build but the results tend to last as long as diet and training is continued.
Cut your cals, keep protein high, and do some strength training during your cut and you will shred fast. Ostarine + Cardarine is a match made in heaven <3
Good luck!
I am on ostarine and I just started two days ago I am taking 50 mg a day one time a day and was going to do that for 6 to 8 weeks max then do pct for 4 weeks is that a bad routine or is that ok?
Sounds like a good cycle!
Hi Chris,
Am about to start a lean bulk and shred 14 week cycle.
LGD 10mg & cardarine 10mg – 7wk
Ostarine 25mg & cardarine for remaining 7 weeks. What you reckon on this cycle?
Thanks for the info Chris. How long would you do the extended stack for?
Also PCT- you reckon I need any with these dosages and if so after the lgd cycle or after the 14weeks?
Love this. You have the cardarine ramping up over time which is smart. In addition to that, you’re starting with the “heavier” of the two SARMs and then bridging into a standard Ostarine dose. Looks excellent. Could bridge into a non suppressive stack of MK 677 and GW 501516 if you wanted to extend it past that!
Hey Chris!
First of all thank you for your video!
I thought about stacking RAD-140 with MK-2866, do you think that would be a good idea? Which amounts do you recommend? And any PCT needed?
Thank you in advance!
Hey, I am doing my first ever Ostarine cycle, planning to do 6 weeks Ostarine 10mg and Cardarine 10mg, slowly increasing Cardarine to 30mg. Using natural testobooster supplement as a PCT after I end the cycle. I’m on osta for 4th day now and feeling my libido decreasing and dry mouth. Is it normal? And what you think about the plan?
Hi Chris, I have a question regarding ostarine stacking. My main goal is to recomp (currently at 84kg and wants to get down to 75 kg). I want to take ostarine for 8-12 weeks and want to add
1) MK677 for the muscle building and 2) Cardarine for the cutting stage during that 8 -12 weeks.
My question is:
1) what is your recommendation stacking duration for Ostarine with MK677 and Cardarine?
2) and what dosage?
3) can I still get a blood test even I’m already on day 3 of the ostarine?
Thank you 🙂
This is a really popular stack. MK677 and GW501 are both great “every day” add ons. I would do 12 weeks total, keeping the Ostarine around 20mg the whole time and the MK677 at around 10mg the whole time. Throw in the cardarine for the last 6 weeks at around 15-20mg and you’ll shred up fast. If you want to get more bulk on the initial part of the cycle feel free to bump the MK677 up higher. I’ve gone up to 50mg but the only big difference at those doses is an increase or water weight in my experience. Good luck!
Hey Chris! Have you heard of lawless labs for Ostarine? I’m competing in a body building show the end of March and wanted to run a cycle of ostarine. What dosage would you recommend?
Hello and thanks for this excellent resource! I have 25mg ostarine capsules. I assumed I was getting 25mg tabs that I could split and run 12 weeks on 12.5mg/day. What are your thoughts on the efficacy of taking 25mg every second day? Curious about your thoughts on this. Thanks so much!
You’ll be fine doing every other day. Back in then early 2000s we used to use a technique called pulsing. I know guys who would take oral superdrol 3x a week and saw great results. Half life isn’t always everything when it comes to performance enhancers. Will look forward to hearing your results with the 25mg every other day!
I am doing a 15 mg/8 week ostarine cycle, and I am taking 25 mg Arimistane alongside it, and becasue I want to be super safe I am taking 75 mg Arimistane for 4 weeks post-cycle. Is this “PCT” an overkill?
Not overkill. Arimistane is a great AI that is still legal and will raise your test a fair amount. Ideally you should take it with something that will boost your natural T levels, like Fadogia Agretis or even DAA.
Any idea if Estrogen blockers like Arimistane are bad when taking anti-depressants?
Would a testosterone booster without Estrogen blocker be better than no PCT at all after a cycle?
Thanks a lot.
Regarding the anti-depressant interactions: It completely depends on what medication you are, but I do not know of any direct interactions between Arimistane and SSRIs.
To your other question, yes, a test booster for PCT is absolutely better than no PCT at all if you don’t have access to a SERM.
Hello and thanks a lot for sharing highly valuable pieces of knowledge.
I am a 32yo male thinking about doing my first cycle ever on Ostarine, thinking 10mg for 4weeks then 20mg for 4 weeks (8weeks total).
In my country (Denmark), MD’s refuse to make a testosterone check, and if i run a test using an online company after my cycle, it will take weeks to get the result back, so might not be worth it as my test could have already rebounded by the time i get the result, making that process essencially useless…
Question: Would you recommend me to purchase Nolvadex (any reliable source?) and do it regardless, or just stick to any OTC PCT and YOLO it.
Thanks buddy! 🙂
This is not medical advice but based on your circumstances, if it was me I would skip the SERM PCT altogether as long as you are confident the Ostarine is good to go. I’ve never seen a single case of someone who had any issues with testosterone issues lasting more than a few weeks from an 8 week ostarine cycle.
Yolo it is 😉
Super, thanks for the quick response mate.
I ordered the Ostarine from Science.bio, and I believe those guys are legit…
I will start with the 10mg, and if i’m happy with it i might not even up the dose just to be on the safe side 🙂
They’re a great source, you’ll be fine. Good luck!
Thanks buddy. One last question, I have been looking at OTC PCT options, would you mind telling me your point of view on those (I know it’s not medical advice, i will ask my doctor regardless, i just would like to know you opinion :p)
I have in my mind the following options:
– Innovapharm Stage 1 or Black OX – looks strong but isn’t the estrogen blocker component of those risky, given that i may not even have high estrogen levels on 10mg ostarine
– BulkPowders – Complete T-Booster or Dominate – Doesn’t have estrogen blockers but overall seems like mild supplements
If you happen to know any of these, or have other/better stuff in mind, would love to hear your opinion.
Thanks bud!
I hadn’t heard of Innovapharm but I looked into the supplement mentioned and seems to be a great stack. Fadogia is the ingredient that made HCGenerate so popular. Hard to say though since it is a prop blend so there’s no way of knowing how much of everything is in there. Bulkpowders has a solid reputation so I’m sure their PCT options are good choices.
I took 25mg ostarine from a company wasn’t sure is legit or not but have testing online, after 30days I started a new ostarine from a trusted sources, 5days in 30mg daily, I m having sensitive level on my chest, i m worried my first sarms is not real, cuz I notice alot muscle gains quickly, didn’t have strength gain or weight lost either. Should I stop my cycle and do oct or should I finish the cycle then pct?
Ostarine is hardly faked these days to be honest. It’s gotten pretty inexpensive to manufacture over the years.
I didn’t expect to get answer this quick, thanks chris!, ok, so if I do pct, is the otc will be good enough or need to get novaldex? I did have blood work done right before, 225 on test, free t is 5, I m 43 and look like my estrogen is high, I m at 20percent bf. Thanks ahead,
Happy to help. You should be fine with the OTC PCT if you’re just using the Ostarine at 25mg. Though low dose nolva wouldn’t hurt either. Are those test numbers in ng/dL? If so your test level is definitely low, and if your E is high alongside that then you might be a good candidate for a low dose Aromasin dose to balance those numbers out. Focus on getting that body fat lower (though 20% isn’t bad for your age, sub 15 would probably help bring your E level down). Hope that helps.
I been on ostarine(25mg) n cardarine(20mg) for a month, physically I looked bigger but scale keep saying 181lbs havent changed, so I add in mk677 (12.5mg) after 5 days I jump from 181 to 189lbs, is that normal????
Water retention is normal with MK 677 yes. I can have 8lb swings if I’m doing a lot of cardio or drinking a lot of water.
I did a 12 weeks of Ostarine cycle ( 25mg/day), I am attempting to do a 4 Weeks PCT ( Nolvadex 20mg/day). My question is how long should I wait to start the next cycle on LGD- 4033. Thank you
Wait 4 weeks after PCT and you should be fine to run another one.
Is there any other OTC compounds that can be used for a PCT if Tamoxifen/Nolva are not accessible?
let’s say you’re planning on not going on pct after a 9 week cycle of ostarine. how long should you wait for your hormones to stabilize before starting your next cycle
Without getting blood work, I’d say wait 8 to 12 weeks before starting another run. It’s always better to play it safe rather than jumping on again right away.
Thank you for the content
No problem! Thanks for the comment
Would an OTC PCT like Rebirth PCT be enough? And is on cycle support needed for your lab subject? Something like Tudca?
Will this show up on a drug screen for work as something weird? I mean, it’s not illegal and not an amphetamine?
The only time someone will be tested for Ostarine is if they compete in sports at a high level. SARMs will not show up on any kind of employment, military, or court drug screen.
Hi thanks for the great content.
How long should I wait after a cycle to start my nolva 10/20mg.
For AAS I read wait at least a week but what would you do?
The whole “wait a week so everything clears” is largely broscience. The idea was that PCT won’t be effective until everything is out of your system (which is true), but the only logical reason to hold off on starting PCT is if you’re trying to prevent side effects from the PCT drugs. When this idea was first pushed on the community it was back in the day when people were taking 150mg of clomid a day. We now know that clomid is effective at even 10mg in men and does’t bring the same side effects. 10-20mg of nolva will not have many (if any at all) side effects either.
With that being said, you’re good to go to start PCT the day your cycle ends. Some people like to start pre loading the nolva a few days before the cycle ends as well to allow it to build up in your system for when you come off. Either way works.
Don’t overthink it, you’ll be fine regardless of which method you use 🙂 Good luck and thanks for the comment!
Have you heard of Bodybuilt labs for Ostarine
Unfortunately not, sorry about that.
I will start using the stack of MK-2866 and MK-677. 25ml per day on both during the morning time. I usually training 3 days a week and the off days of training should i using it or not?
Yes, you want to keep using it even on your days off. Steady levels of both in your system will do a lot of good for building muscle even when you are not training. Remember, you grow in between gym sessions, not during them!
When reading the answer to whether or not a PCT should be used after a cycle, it says usually not but for 12 weeks, yes. So what’s the cutoff length between a PCT being recommended or not needed? I am considering trying an 8 week cycle.
A PCT is never “necessary” per se. Even with heavy anabolic use, your body will always recover naturally via homeostasis. A proper post cycle therapy is useful to minimize the time it takes to kick start your HPTA system. Using a SERM like nolva, clomid, or torem are all popular options.
It’s a fine line. Too much SERM: Improve recovery time, but with side effects. No SERM: longer recovery time but guaranteed no sides.
The best way is just to use a small dose. For nolva, 10mg should be fine. Clomid is more than enough at 12.5mg. Many studies back this up and the only people who should be using 50mg+ are females who are trying to increase fertility.
I will say that if you’re doing 8 weeks of nolva only you’re probably fine to skip the SERM. Bouncing back from Ostarine is super easy.
2 weeks and you should be good to go.
what about using the stack of Ostarine and MK677 do they clear up in 5 half lives also or they take more time to clear up in the system for purpose of testing
If i want to try a cycle on Ostarine let say 8 week and then I want to compete in Olympic lifting Nationals how long do i have to stop using it, in order to be negative on the test.
The rule of thumb is that 5 half lives will keep you in the clear. The half life of ostarine is roughly 24 hours, so that would be 5 days after your last dose. In an Olympic competition, they might be using more sensitive testing, so to be safe I’d give it at least 2 weeks.
Can ostarine be absorbed through the skin if you don’t use it but are testing positive for it? Please email me. I am desperately trying to figure out why my son continues to test positive for this substance but has never used it? Could his body be making something similar to this and mimicking it on a test? Please I am desperately looking for answers.
I think the most likely scenario is that your son was using Ostarine. To answer your question, Ostarine has a molar mass of 389.33g/mol and anything under 500g/mol can be absorbed transdermally. With that being said it would be difficult to absorb enough to test positive by just coming in contact with it. The Ostarine would need to be applied via a carrier (Propelyne glycol, DMSO, etc) to effectively penetrate the skin.
My son is a pro athlete. He’s tested positive for Ostarine the past year. Sent every supplement to get tested but still can’t find the source. Any help would be greatly appreciated. So many careers being ruined by bad test results
Have you ever heard of bruising occurring while running Ostarine? I’ve run two cycles and during both at some decent sized bruises appeared on my triceps for one and on my forearm for the other, they were not a result of physical contact as far as I am aware.
I’ve never heard of bruising caused by Ostarine. Are you monitoring your micronutrient intake?
Can I take both?
Ostarine and lgd 4033
Yes you can. They actually make a very powerful stack when used together.
What do you recommend for a beginner who is 100 percent natty and never done steroid/sarms before.
Been working out for 5 years have a good base with fat around the belly and thighs.
Ostarine or LGD4033 would be your best bets. If you want to lean up, I’d stack either one with Cardarine.
How many ml does 10mg equate to?
That depends on where you buy your Ostarine from. I know that proven peptides formulates theirs at 25mg per 1ml.
Therefore, if you are using their formulation, you would need 0.4ml to equal 10mg.
Last time I ordered from them they included a measuring pipette with the order, so it’s easy to measure.
Do I have to have a low amount of body fat? I weigh nearly 82kg’s but have a stomach and kinda big legs do I need a lower % of body fat to start a cycle, planning say a 8 week cut cycle at 10mg
25mgs/ml seems awfully high summit sarms is only 10mgs/ml I believe
When Ostarine first came around, I remember some people dosing 100mg a day! Haha. 10mg is fine if that dosage works for you. I actually recommend 10mg for cutting in my ostarine dosage guide. Ultimately it’s always best to start low and work up as needed.