Affiliate Disclosure generates revenue by utilizing affiliate links in some of its posts. When you purchase through one of our links, we receive a small commission.

It is important to know that this does not affect our review process or impact whether or not we recommend a brand. Since 2018 we have been providing the SARMs and PEDs community with truthful, science backed information. This is part of our brand and we do not waiver from this philosophy.

We believe that affiliate programs provide the least intrusive way for us to generate enough income without bombarding our users with ads. While display ads, popups, and selling data are much more lucrative, we care about our user’s experience more.

Collectively, we’ve spent hundreds of hours over the last few years conducting research and reviewing published papers in order to provide you with factual, up to date information pertaining to SARMs. In addition, we pay for top-tier web hosting that allows our articles to load quickly on all devices, even if our users don’t have access to good internet.

Our mission has always been to provide our readers with the best experience possible. When you purchase through our links, you are helping us achieve that goal. Thank you for supporting!