It’s that time of year again. Summer is coming up, and you want to look your best. Maybe you spent all winter making gains and building up muscle. Regardless, using sarms for recomp can help you lose fat while gaining muscle.
In the past, “recomping” was a term reserved for people who could afford to spend thousands of dollars on dangerous steroids and HGH. It was thought in the past to be impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
Thankfully, there’s some cutting-edge technology that’s been introduced for use by the general public. They’re called SARMs, and they are rapidly changing the game. Previously these were only available to extreme athletes. Now thanks to online sarms sources, anyone can buy these compounds on the internet.
In this article, we’re going to look at the best SARMs for recomp that will allow you to achieve a full body recomposition. Whether you need to lose some weight and cut up, or you need to pack on the muscle, this stack will help you do both. Let’s take a look!
đź’ˇ Tip: You can find high quality SARMs vendors on the Source List
How to prepare a recomp cycle using SARMs
Before you start your taking a SARMs recomp stack, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. As excellent as these SARMs are, they’re not a magical pill that’s going to work overnight. You will still need to maintain a clean diet and a regular exercise routine. However, if you’re consistent with your stack dosage, your routine, and your diet, then you will achieve results.
Bad Diet = Bad Results
While you’re taking these SARMs your body is going to have some extra needs. In addition to eating healthy foods and staying away from the potato chips you’ll also need to:
- Drink at least a gallon of water a day to help your body stay hydrated and break down the SARMs.
- Eat a high-protein diet to make sure that you’re able to build the most amount of muscle
- Balance your carbs and your fat intake. Carbs are necessary for daily energy, but you need to eat healthy fats (mono and polyunsaturated) to stimulate your metabolism.
Training Regimen For Recomping
For a recomposition, you need to train for both fat loss and muscle gain. The best way to achieve that is to combine High-Intensity Interval Training into your regular weightlifting routine. HIIT will allow your body to shred fat. These workouts only last for 15-20 minutes at a time. Because of this, you won’t have to worry about them hurting your muscle gains.
HIIT is proven to increase fat loss in athletes who incorporate it in their training. I’ve had the best success with 3x sessions a week on top of my normal 5 day a week training routine. It’s brutal, but it’s not something I do more than 8 to 12 weeks at a time. When I’m not using HIIT, I switch to low intensity cardio (walking, cycling, etc).
Best SARMs for Recomp and Body Transformation
SARMs for Recomp
Now that you know some basic diet and training information let’s take a look at the best SARMs for recomp cycles. These sarms will allow you to achieve your full-body recomposition in record time.
MK 677
This SARM is essential for a recomp and offers several great all-around benefits. Most of these benefits come from an increase in HGH and IGF-1 levels. It will also improve sleep quality. Your body will use the extra HGH and sleep to help recovery and burn fat while you rest.
MK 677 also helps to balance out your body’s Nitrogen levels which allows your body to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. It will also increase your vascularity and give you a better “pump” when you are working out.
Cardarine is another compound that works great in recomp cycles. It was initially developed to help reduce cholesterol levels, but exercise scientists have found out that is has quite a few other benefits as well. For one, it boosts your natural metabolism levels which can lead to increased fat loss.
The second major benefit that Cardarine will give you is increased healing ability. This will lower the possibility of you sustaining a lasting injury from overtraining. This is very common with people who are trying to do a full-body recomp.
SR 9009
Sometimes called Stenabolic, this SARM is going to help you take your fat loss to the next level. It does this through a couple of different methods. The first is that it decreases your insulin levels. This means that your body is going to be far less likely to store fat in the first place.
The second thing that SR 9009 will do for you is that it will allow you to up your cardiovascular endurance. You will be able to do your HIIT workouts at a far higher intensity, and you will be able to keep up the fast pace for a longer amount of time. This will allow your body to get the most out of every cardio workout.
LGD 4033
This SARM is essential for your recomp stack. This is the chemical that’s going to allow your to build huge amounts of muscle in a short period. You will gain hard, dry, muscle, and enjoy enhanced training abilities. It’s one of the most popular sarms because it is consistent and has a relatively low side effect profile.
Basic recomp stack for beginners using LGD 4033 and Cardarine
Beginners Recomp Stack
This may be the first time that you’ve ever done a recomposition or may be the first time you’re using SARMs. If that’s the case, then I’ve made a good SARMs recomp stack for beginners. If you’re new to this whole thing, then you should start with a cycle of this before moving onto more my more advanced stack listed below.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | |
LGD 4033 | 5mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 15mg |
Cardarine | 10mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 30mg |
Advanced recomp stack for extreme results: LGD 4033, Cardarine, SR9009 and MK 677
Advanced Stack
If you’re an experienced bodybuilder and you’ve had some experience with using SARMs for recomp cycles, then this is stack that you need to use. It is guaranteed to give you some incredible results.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | |
LGD 4033 | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg | 10mg |
Cardarine | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg |
SR9009 | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg | 20mg |
MK 677 | 25mg | 25mg | 25mg | 25mg | 25mg | 25mg | 25mg | 25mg |
Note: This is an extreme sarms recomping stack. It is not uncommon to swap out 10lbs of fat for 10lbs of muscle. People will accuse you of taking steroids. Only follow this stack if you are experienced!
The best way to get these SARMs is to head on over to our sarms source list and find a provider that has everything in stock. You can read real reviews from customers and even share your experience with sources!
How to get the best results on your recomp cycle
When you’re doing a SARM cycle, you need to stick to the recommended methods of dosing. If you try to diverge and do things your own way, then you may be sacrificing performance and gains.
Dosage Timing
Because most of these SARMs have short half-lives (especially the SR 9009), the smartest way to take this stack is to split it up between morning and night. You should take your full stack in the morning, but at half of the dosage that I listed above. Eat a healthy breakfast, and go about your day.
After you’ve done your daily workout and eaten your dinner, take the other half of your stack. This will ensure that you have a good flow of SARMs through your body at all hours of the day.
Support Supplements
Although these aren’t necessary, they will help you out in the long run:
- Omega-3 Oil Capsules. These will help prevent joint injury during intense training sessions.
- Zinc 50mg. If you take one of these a day, it will boost your natural energy levels and cause an increase in testosterone which will lead to more gains.
- Multi-Vitamin. This will keep your immune system in good condition.
Do you need a PCT after running a SARMs recomp stack?
Post Cycle Therapy
After you’ve completed a full cycle of SARMs, then you will have pushed your body to its limits. Using multiple sarms for recomp can be very stressful on your HPTA system. Individual sarms don’t usually cause shutdown, but stacks can. This is especially true if you run sarms for a long period of time.
I recommend that you go pickup some Nolvadex. It is sold under the generic name Tamoxifen. Take 20mg a day for 4 to 6 weeks following your stack. Many sources do not stock this, but it’s good to have on hand if you can find it.
Final words and sources cited in this article
Final Thoughts
If you’ve gotten out of shape, and want to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time, then this SARMs recomp stack is the best way to get there. You’ll be able to drop the blubber and pack on pounds of high-quality muscle tissue.
If you have any other questions, please leave me a comment below!
I love your in depth articles about everything. Makes me so much more comfortable buying. I will be starting the recomp cycle soon and will follow your recommendation for it. How long should I do it for?