Beginners Guide to BPC-157 – Benefits, Side Effects and Dosages

Are you dealing with a case of tennis or golfers elbow? Did you tear your hamstring doing some heavy deadlifts? There may be a way to fast-track your healing and reduce inflammation without the use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen.

Peptides, specifically BPC-157, can help you accelerate your healing time. If you want your sinew and muscles to repair at superhuman rates, BPC-157 can leave you feeling like Wolverine from the Marvel movie franchise.

This post unpacks everything you need to know about BPC-157 and how this peptide can enhance your health research.

DISCLAIMER: and the post author do not recommend peptides for human use. The information in this post is for research and entertainment purposes only. The author and publishing website bears no responsibility or liability for misuse of peptides.

A quick introduction to BPC-157 and peptides

What is BPC 157?

BPC-157 falls into a category of chemicals known as “peptides.” Essentially, peptide products like BPC-157 are merely amino acid chains, the building blocks of proteins in the body. A peptide compound consists of a chain-link of two or more amino acids, with its carboxyl group joining the amino group of the next bond. If you want to get technical, the bond looks like this; OC-NH.

With BPC-157, this peptide forms an amino acid sequence featuring a molecular formulation of 98 hydrogen molecules, along with 62 carbon molecules, 16 nitrogen molecules, and 22 oxygen molecules, giving us the following chemical formulation; C62-H98-N16-O22.

So, what does BPC stand for? It’s an acronym for “Body Protecting Compound.” The human body produces this peptide in the gut in small quantities, providing a therapeutic and healing effect for the gastrointestinal system.

Exogenously administering the peptide allows researchers to benefit from the potent healing action of this compound. BPC-157 has several benefits for performance enhancement and healing, and we’ll unpack them later on in this post.

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What are the benefits of using BPC 157?


Surprisingly, BPC-157 comes with few side effects, even when used at higher dosing ranges. There is plenty of research showing the benefits of the peptide in promoting ligament and muscle tissue healing while strengthening the skeletal system.

Users can administer the peptide through subcutaneous injection (in the fat layer under the skin) or intramuscular injection directly into the affected muscle groups. According to research, BPC-157 can promote the healing of ligaments and tendons while improving cell survival and cell migration in Achilles tendon ruptures in rats.

The research on rats with injured medial collateral ligaments (MCL) shows the peptide influences a tendon-to-bone healing effect. In fact, the healing effect of the peptide shows similar characteristics as undergoing reconstructive surgery for the affected tendon.

Another interesting feature of BPC-157 is the compound’s healing effect on the gut. Research shows that the administration of BPC-157 helps to heal the damage done to the stomach through the excessive use of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like Advil and ibuprofen. Some researchers call the peptide the “NSAIDs antidote” of the peptide world.

Studies in rats show that the administration of BPC-157 can halt the progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and heal the damage caused by the condition in only a few days. There is also evidence showing that the administration of BPC-157 helps eliminate the effects of periodontitis, with researchers believing the compound could have benefits in curing periodontal disease.

10ml BPC-157 vials
Three 10ml vials of BPC-157

There is also evidence showing that administration of BPC-157 accelerates bone healing in rabbits with segmental bone defects.

Therefore, BPC-157 gains the moniker of a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide” because it’s stable in the human digestive system, notably in gastric juices within the stomach. As a result, the peptide causes a healing effect in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, providing an anti-ulcer-like effect.

Administration of BPC-157 also provides users with a therapeutic effect for mitigating the problems associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), without any noticeable side effects.

BPC-157 gets its potent wound-healing effect via its interaction with nitric oxide (NO) in the body. This interaction provides a powerful protective effect for the cardiovascular system by providing a blood vessel-building effect that protects endothelial tissues in the heart and cardiovascular system.

This reaction even occurs in conditions where there is severe impairment of the cardiovascular or digestive system. As a result, individuals dealing with gut pain, diarrhea, constipation, and inflammation of the bowels.

So, if you have digestive issues or you’re dealing with damaged ligaments and muscles, BPC-157 offers you an interesting compound to assist with faster healing.

How much BPC-157 should one use to see results?


BPC-157 has plenty of studies showing the regenerative benefits of this peptide. According to research, BPC-157 is systemically effective at dosages of 2-20mcg per lb of body weight. Most studies on the peptide use dosages of between 200mcg up to 800mcg per day.

Some researchers state that they see the best healing effect from the peptide at dosages of 250-350mcg twice daily, with a total daily allowance of 500 to 700mcg. That’s a rather large dosing range, and it seems effects differ between individuals, with some preferring higher doses, while others prefer a moderate dose of the peptide.

Research into a user suffering from golfers’ elbow (medial epicondylitis) shows that subcutaneous injection of 250mcg of BPC-157 directly into the tissues in the elbow joint can heal the problem. The study lasts for a treatment period of two weeks, healing the elbow joint while stopping the inflammatory effects of the condition.

At standard dosages under 300mcg, most users don’t report any side effects. However, some users accidentally dosing themselves with 2,500mcg of BPC-157; note that they experience mild side effects, and we’ll get into that a little later in this post.

How to administer a BPC 157 injection safely


BPC-157 provides a systemic reaction in the body. Therefore, injecting the peptide intramuscularly or subcutaneously requires the researcher to place the injection site as close to the affected area as possible.

However, plenty of subjects state that administering the peptide orally also provides the same effect as IM and SQ injections. With oral administration, the user should slowly spray the peptide into their mouth and hold it for 90 to 120-seconds before swallowing.

If you’re comfortable with using needles in your research, administration using an insulin syringe is adequate for both IM and SQ injections. For an SQ injection, the subject should pinch the fold of the skin, injecting into the space between the skin and muscle or fat.

For IM injections, the user can directly insert the needle into the affected area. It’s critical that the subject follows sterilization protocols when injecting with either the SQ or IM method.

Wipe the top of the vial with an alcohol swab before drawing the liquid from the vial. Clean the injection site with a fresh alcohol swab to remove the presence of bacterial or viral materials. Using an insulin syringe limits the amount of discomfort experienced during the injection.

After completing either injection method, the user can massage the injection site to distribute the peptide into the tissues, removing the unpleasant feeling of the injection. Use your fingers to work the surrounding tissues, moving the BPC-157 into the affected area.

Injecting 250mcg of BPC-157 into the affected joints, ligaments, or tissues for a period of two weeks should provide the subject with the healing effect they need. Subjects experiencing a hamstring injury can inject themselves intramuscularly using a 1-inch needle and 3ml syringe.

Choose an injection site in the upper left quadrant of the glutes for the injection site. Do not inject in the lower half of the buttocks. There is a chance you could hit the sciatic nerve, resulting in huge amounts of pain running down your leg.

After completing the injection, massage the BPC-157 into the injection site, and it migrates to the affected tissues in the hamstring, accelerating the healing process.

Users also state that spraying BPC-157 directly into the mouth is the best method for reducing the painful effects of gut ulcers and GI disease. According to research, the oral administration of the drug provides a soothing effect where the user claims they can feel it coating the inside of their stomach and GI tract.

Some users claim oral administration feels like drinking a warm cup of bone broth first thing in the morning. They experience a warming effect in the gut, reducing gas and cramping in users with IBD.

While there is no research on the effects of BPC-157 in reducing inflammatory markers like lactoferrin or calmodulin, it seems that anecdotal evidence suggests users with bowel problems can benefit from the drop in inflammation caused by the oral administration of BPC-157.

Showing an injection of BPC-157 near the extensor tendon (left arm)
Injecting BPC-157 near the extensor tendon in the left arm

According to the research, it’s safe to use BPC-157 through oral administration or injection for up to two weeks, without any side effects. Some users state they use it for longer, but most researchers cease use of the compound after experiencing a recovery from said injury.

BPC-157 is available as a powder in a glass vial. Users will need to reconstitute the powder into liquid format through the addition of bacteriostatic water. The BAC water contains no pathogens like bacteria, fungi, and viral agents. Therefore, there is no chance of pathogens growing in your vial.

Cleaning the top of the vial before and after injections helps eliminate any pathogens that might result in infection at the injection site.

Injection site infections are typically rare in users that follow the correct hygiene protocols mentioned earlier. However, there is always a risk of infection, and you need to know how to handle it if it occurs.

If the injection site experiences infection, the user will notice it feeling warm and sensitive to the touch. The injection site will start to inflame and turn red, and the individual might see they begin to experience the onset of infection, with a fever showing up.

It’s critical that the user visits the emergency room for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible after noticing the onset of infection. Typically, doctors treat these infections using antibiotics to kill the invading pathogen.

When reconstituting your BPC-157 powder, follow the hygiene protocols using the alcohol swabs. Draw the BAC water out of the vial, and push it into the BPC-157 vial, leaking the water down the sides of the interior.

If you have a 5mg vial of BPC-157, you’ll need to reconstitute the powder using three insulin syringes filled with BAC water.

With this reconstitution strategy, you’ll end up with a final dose of 250mcg of BPC-157 for every 15IUs you inject. We recommend storing your reconstituted BPC-157 in the refrigerator. The dark, cool conditions in the fridge slow the denaturing of the peptide, giving you the longest storage life for your BPC-157.

Typically, reconstituted peptides remain potent for ten days at room temperature. However, after ten days, the efficacy of the peptide drops dramatically with each passing day. In the fridge, the peptide remains stable for around six months.

You also have the option of storing unused vials of powder in the freezer, extending the storage life of the peptide by up to 2-years. Users should draw from the vial slowly and accurately to not damage the peptide and inject the peptide slowly into the affected area.

What are the risks and side effects of using BPC 157?

Side Effects

Whenever we’re working with exogenous administration of peptides, there’s always a chance for the development of side effects. Some peptides have more pronounced side effects than others, and the range of side effects differs between users.

Evaluating the risks associated with the use of these compounds is critical to your research. While the use of BPC-157 for joint, tendon, and muscular healing is outstanding, some side effects are associated with the administration of the peptide.

Many users that stick to the low-end dosing range (250mcg per day) report no side effects from using the peptide. Remember we talked about the user that injected 2,500mcg of BPC-157 earlier? Well, it turns out the side effects were mild, with some minor changes in mood making the subject feel irritable.

Considering this is 10X the recommended number, it’s surprising to see so few side effects associated with such an extreme dose. However, it’s important to note there is a difference between a one-off 2,500mcg injection and using high dosages every day.

Users injecting up to 750mcg to 800mcg of BPC-157 each day may eventually experience some side effects from administering the compound. Some of the reported side effects occurring at higher doses for prolonged periods include the following.

  • Nausea and stomach upset.
  • An increase in inflammatory markers.
  • Skin irritation and itching.
  • A build-up of scar tissue from repeated IM or SQ injections.

Typically, these side effects are mild, and many users don’t notice them at all. As a result, BPC-157 is one of the safest regenerative peptides and compounds available.

Where can I purchase real BPC 157 online?

Buy BPC 157

There are dozens of sources for BPC 157 available online. However, many of the sources are unreliable. If you’re thinking about purchasing BPC-157 for your research, you need a company that guarantees potency, efficacy, and purity in its products.

The only way to be sure that you’re getting genuine peptides and not a bunch of bunk are to order from a reputable, verified source. At, we did the hard work of verifying your sources for you. Verified Peptides is our recommended supplier for BPC-157.

This source is entirely transparent with its third-party testing results, ensuring you get a top-quality product that delivers on your expectations.

Wrapping up and final thoughts

Final Thoughts

So, given all the benefits associated with BPC-157, why doesn’t your doctor recommend it for wound healing and regenerative purposes?

The reason is that peptides lack a broad range of studies in human subjects. Currently, there is no data available at a medicinal level showing the efficacy of the peptide in healing in humans. Your doctor won’t recommend anything to you that they can’t confirm a long safety track record with use in humans.

Another issue facing BPC-157 is its status as a peptide. Technically, pharma companies can patent a peptide, as it occurs naturally in the body. Without a patent, the pharma companies can’t make it into a branded drug. There’s no profit incentive involved as there are with medications like Advil and ibuprofen.

The FDA doesn’t recognize the use of BPC-157, and that means it’s not available for over-the-counter sale, nor is it recommended for human consumption in any format.

Interestingly, BPC-157 is not banned for use by either USADA or WADA, meaning athletes using the substance can’t experience a ban for the administration of BPC-157.

However, given that these organizations would ban a turkey sandwich if they thought it was a performance enhancer, we expect BPC-157 to join the banned list in the near future.

For researchers looking to heal injuries, BPC-157 provides an interesting compound that fast-tracks healing times without the introduction of nasty side effects. If you’re looking for a regenerative that has unbelievable results, this peptide should be on top of your shopping list.


  1. Gajger, Ivana, et al. “Physiological and Immunological Status Of Adult Honeybees (Apis Mellifera) Fed Sugar Syrup Supplemented With Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157“. Biology, vol. 10, no. 9, 2021, p. 891.
  2. Gwyer, Daniel, et al. “Gastric Pentadecapeptide Body Protection Compound Bpc 157 and Its Role In Accelerating Musculoskeletal Soft Tissue Healing“. Cell Tissue Res, vol. 377, no. 2, 2019, p. 153-159.
  3. Huang, Tonglie, et al. “Body Protective Compound-157 Enhances Alkali-burn Wound Healing In Vivo and Promotes Proliferation, Migration, And Angiogenesis In Vitro“. DDDT, 2015, p. 2485.
  4. Perović, Darko, et al. “Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157 Can Improve the Healing Course Of Spinal Cord Injury And Lead To Functional Recovery In Rats“. J Orthop Surg Res, vol. 14, no. 1, 2019.
  5. Petrović, Igor, et al. “An Experimental Model Of Prolonged Esophagitis With Sphincter Failure In the Rat And The Therapeutic Potential Of Gastric Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157“. J Pharmacol Sci, vol. 102, no. 3, 2006, p. 269-277.
  6. Sikiric, Predrag, et al. “Toxicity By Nsaids. Counteraction By Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157“. CPD, vol. 19, no. 1, 2012, p. 76-83.
  7. Stupnisek, Mirjana, et al. “Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157 Reduces Bleeding and Thrombocytopenia After Amputation In Rats Treated With Heparin, Warfarin, L-name And L-arginine“. PLoS ONE, vol. 10, no. 4, 2015, p. e0123454.
  8. Udovičić, Mario, et al. “Stable Gastric Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157 Therapy For Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Hypertension In Rats Leads To Prevention and Reversal“. Biomedicines, vol. 9, no. 7, 2021, p. 822.
Chris Jackson
Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson, co-founder of, is a renowned fitness blogger, physique model, and evolutionary bioscience researcher specializing in SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators). His extensive work, characterized by cutting-edge research and practical training advice, has made a leading source for accurate, credible information on performance enhancers. With a dedication to improving the understanding and application of SARMs in optimizing human performance, his contributions have not only expanded public awareness but also shaped the conversation around these substances. Chris's pursuit of knowledge and commitment to sharing it continue to inspire many in their fitness journeys.

1 Comment
  1. The article on BPC-157 presents a fascinating exploration of this peptide’s potential in accelerating healing and reducing inflammation. By detailing its benefits for muscle and ligament repair, it highlights BPC-157 as a promising alternative to traditional NSAIDs. The scientific explanation of how BPC-157 interacts with the body, particularly in promoting blood flow and tissue regeneration, is compelling. However, the disclaimer regarding its use emphasizes the importance of caution and responsible research. While the potential for faster recovery is enticing, the article wisely advises users to source peptides from reputable suppliers to ensure safety and efficacy. Overall, BPC-157 appears to be a groundbreaking compound worth further investigation for those interested in enhancing recovery and performance.

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